Forthcoming Events
‘How Language Works’ Programme
Hamstead Hall Academy Trust
We currently have no new dates for future workshops.
Please check back soon.
Programme Overview
The most joined up approach to language in learning
across the curriculum that I have come across.- How Language Works trainee, Birmingham 2016
‘How Language Works’ is a comprehensive and innovative professional development programme that extends teacher knowledge and understanding about language and learning across the full range of school curriculum contexts, with the specific aim of moving pupils from everyday to academic language.
The course puts language at the heart of teaching and learning and addresses the following:
- What do pupils need to be able to do with and through language to succeed at school?
- What do teachers and pupils need to know about language to ensure pupils succeed?
- How can teachers scaffold lessons, units of work and whole curricula so that the development of academic registers of language within subject disciplines takes place?
What this year’s participants said about the course
Excellent course.
Totally absorbing.
The course has had a big impact upon my planning and teaching. could have a very logical and powerful place in
the future of language development in schools.
The recognition of the interrelationship between
language and learning is empowering both staff and
students inside and outside school.’- Professor Caroline Coffin, English Language and Applied
Linguistics at the Open University
Who should attend?
The course is designed to equip teaching and learning/literacy leaders in both the primary and secondary phase with the foundation of knowledge they need to drive progress at a strategic level, and should, therefore, be attended by those tasked with rolling out the principles and practices of the course across the school following completion of the training.
Programme Rationale
At Hamstead Hall Academy, we have become increasingly aware that the variation between the language of the home and community and the language of school is at the heart of a great deal of the underachievement of identifiable groups of our learners.
These learners may speak English either as a first or second language. They draw on the language of home and community to make meanings within school. School subjects draw on different kinds of language.
These variations in language do not match. How can we address this gap? How Language Works is based on a functional model of language and genre pedagogy, an approach that has been shown, both in the UK and beyond, to at least double pupil progress. When we, as teachers, make the language of our subjects visible to ourselves, we can empower students to develop control over knowledge, make better choices with language, and so become more independent learners.
The course is split into 10 modules, each lasting 3 hours.
The course will be delivered at Hamstead Hall Academy.
Participants will be able to work towards a certificate by completing 6 Between Module Activities (BMAs) and Between Module Readings (BMRs).
For the duration of the training period participants have access to 1:1 personalised guidance, support and feedback from the tutor.
Cost of Programme
The cost of the programme will be £350 per participant.
This covers the cost of tuition (30 hours), between module supervision of the BMAs and BMRs, course materials and refreshments.
If you would like to participate in the programme please send your name and email address to