Hamstead Hall is an Academy for the 11 – 18 age range. There are approximately 1194 pupils on roll in September 2024, including 199 in the Sixth Form. The published admission number is 210.
As a Birmingham-based academy, Hamstead Hall Academy will work in conjunction with Birmingham City Council in relation to admissions.
Annual Year 7 Admissions (Transition from Year 6 to Year 7)
Under the School Admissions Code 2021, all applications for transfer from Year 6 (Primary School) to Year 7 (Secondary School) must be administered by Local Authorities, and parents must apply to the one to which they pay their Council Tax to (their ‘home’ Local Authority). Local Authorities work with each other in this process, so if you live outside of the Birmingham City Council area, your home Local Authority will liaise with them about your application.
Schools and academies are not permitted to process these applications.
Local Authorities will announce the allocation of Year 7 places on 1st March each year (or the next working day if that falls on a weekend). They will write to you to inform you of the school allocated to your child.
Previous Trends at the Time of Allocation
The academy usually receives more applications than there are places available. Factors such as the numbers of EHCP, Looked After Children, and Feeder School applicants will vary from year to year, as will the final place offered on a Distance basis.
Therefore, there is no guarantee that last year's trend will occur this year, or that this year’s will occur next year. Parents/carers should consider the above information carefully when expressing preferences.
For more detailed information and to view previous admissions trends, please see the Admissions Policy pdf below.
Admission Criteria
Any child with an Education, Health and Care Plan is required to be admitted to the School named in the plan. This gives such children overall priority for admission to the School. This is not an oversubscription criterion.
Where there are more applications than places at the School, each preference expressed by a parent for Hamstead Hall Academy is considered equally with those of other applicants and places are offered in accordance with the admission criteria as follows:
1. Looked after or previously looked after children
2. Children with a brother or sister already at the academy who will still be in attendance in September 2023
3. Children who are currently in Year 6 at Grestone Academy.
4. Children who live nearest the Academy.
Within each of these categories, priority is given to those who live nearest to the School, calculated on the basis of a straight-line measurement between home and the Academy.
For further information regarding admission procedures please see Birmingham City Council Secondary Schools Admission Criteria.
In Year Applications
If your child is without a secondary school place between the September they start Year 7 and the end of Year 11, or you would like to change their current secondary school, you can submit an In Year change of school application.
In Birmingham, these applications can be sent directly to schools and academies regardless of where you live, therefore Hamstead Hall Academy will process such applications.
We will send a written response to parents/carers once we have processed an application. If we are unable to offer places, children will be placed on our waiting list based upon how they meet our admission criteria. Please note that waiting lists are not fixed and children may move up or down over time.
Downloadable applications forms can be found at the bottom of this webpage or can be collected from the Academy reception.
If a place cannot be offered to your child through the above admissions processes, parents/carers have a right to appeal to an independent appeal panel. Appeal panels may consider circumstances that cannot be considered under the admissions processes.
Birmingham City Council handles our admission appeals. For more information on the appeals process please visit the Birmingham City Council website by clicking here.
Please note that this is the only way to have such circumstances considered. The Academy cannot accept personal requests or complaints where a place cannot be offered.
- Admission Policy
- Hamstead Hall Academy Determined Admissions Arrangements
- In Year Admissions Procedures
- In year application for a change of school
- In year application for a change of school